Holi The Festival of Colors Celebrate It with Respect for all

                                                           Play Safe and Honourable Holi

“Holi” the name itself signifies the festival of beautiful colors and the joys of peoples celebrating it with full pride. That is why we add the word happy before of Holi. Bollywood song about Holi says “होली के दिन दिल मिल जाते है रंगो में रंग खिल जाते है”. It is often said that people come all together to celebrate forgetting their old enmity and even foes becomes friend in the festival HOLI. “होली के मौके पर तो दुश्मन भी दोस्त बन जाते है”.
But now it is being seen as the festival of color Holi becoming the festival of “Fear and Tragedy” specially for the girls.
Girls do not find themselves comfortable going out during the period of Holi. As there were many incidents of girls being the victim in the colorful intimate festival of Holi. Throwing balloons filled with dirty water, aiming the liquid filled balloons in girl’s private parts such as breasts, buttocks etc. Even touching the girl’s sensitive parts to color in the name of playing Holi. Some filthy incidents had also been recorded during recent years where girls are being victimized by dirty ill minded peoples throwing semen filled balloons at girls. How insane that could be. What’s making some of the peoples so filthy minded? Where does such perversion comes from? It’s a matter of very deep conscience.

Intoxication is common and has become as a culture on Holi. Drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, and then hooliganism and fighting is normal. The people who do not take alcohol are themselves subjected to eat and drink foods such as milk, Pakoda, laddu (sweets), lassi etc made by adding Bhaang (भाङ्ग) which is also of intoxicative in nature. They do so because of culture and in the name of God. Not all do so but many are like that.
Road accidents occur in such occasions as many are under the influence of alcohol and more than two people ride on a two wheeler without helmet. So drinking of alcohol should be in a limit if can’t resist to drink it.
Holi is not becoming safe nowadays. The News that came after various raids on Holi color making factories and researches done shows that the colors that are in the market to sell are made using harmful chemicals and some even mixed with glass materials to make it shinier.

Doctors are warning of using such colors as it could cause skin, eye related disease and in some case could cause skin cancer in prolonged exposure to such adulterated colors. So organic Holi color powder should be used which is eco-friendly and good for the skin.
Some people color their pet dogs and some even to street dogs which is not suitable for the animals. As animals are not used to such colors so it affects them causing skin irritation, allergy etc. So coloring animals should not be done. 

Children should be taken well care during Holi as their skin is much sensitive than adults. Kid's are innocent and they will do what adult's will be doing in their surroundings. Powder colors thrown in the air during celebration and joy could end up going in their eyes, nose or ears so should be careful enough.
Let us all make this and every coming Holi festival the color of joy and happiness respect and honor for everyone as it was from the ancient time. Make sure that no one should be scared of color of Holi. Specially for the girls, make the environment fearless so they could join and enjoy the colorful festival. Respect Women and Girls and teach the children Good Moral values to respect and care for Women and Girls, senior citizens and all the good peoples out there. Teach them to be an honorable good human being with good moral ethics and values. 

Some people find amusement in coloring others forcefully. औरों को भगा भगा के परेशान करके रंग डालने -लगाने  में मजा आता है कुछ लोगों को  पर ऐसा बिलकुल भी ना करे,  दुसरो की भावनाओ का भी सम्मान करे. Play safe Holi. Do not color someone by force. जिसको होली  नहीं खेलना उसके साथ कभीभी  जबरजस्ती ना करे. Do not play Holi with other harmful substances rather than Organic Colors. It is very much better where everyone will come to play Holi by themselves rather than by force. Make such an environment where everyone either girl or boy, women or children, adult or child etc. feels safe and secure to come out themselves with joy without anyone’s fear, force or tragedy to play Holi the Festival of Beautiful Colors.

Share the values teach the morales to everyone.
